Colonoscopy tips

The 50s

Posted in Uncategorised by mycolonoscopytips on the May 13, 2019

So here I am, a working male, in my mid 50s.
Life is good, no incidents, no accidents career is going well, life is great!

Then on Thursday the 4th April that changed with a huge wake up call.
I was at work early morning and doing my rounds with a college, I felt a twinge in my stomach and said to my mate joking, dam I might need the day off with a sore stomach.

By 10am I was at home, thinking nothing more than, wish we didn’t get takeaways the night before.
This was different, way different.

By 1pm the pain was so bad I couldn’t do anything to relieve it, so went to the Drs, there I was told kidney stones ( possibly ) and given a shot of pain killers and sent to the hospital.

2pm at the Emergency Dept, quick chat with Triage nurse, and I was sent through within 40 mins for a C T Scan, results back after a short time, Appendicitis.
Kudos to the public health system, worked just fine for me, in ED at 2pm, in ward by 5pm.
They can move and get things done when need be.

Friday morning, surgery,  Appendix removed.

Surgeons came for the morning after walk.
Because I was in the ‘older age group’ (news to me, but despite my feeling well stats don’t lie). They were booking me in for a colonoscopy.
A percentage of older patients have underlaying causes for Appendicitis it seems, so a colonoscopy was in order.

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